Collection: Aquamarine Bracelet

An aquamarine bracelet is a piece of jewelry that features the stunning blue-green gemstone known as aquamarine. This gemstone is a member of the beryl family of minerals, which also includes emerald and morganite. The name "aquamarine" is derived from the Latin words "aqua" meaning water and "marina" meaning sea, which reflect its gorgeous color.

The History of Aquamarine Bracelets

Aquamarine has been prized for centuries for its beauty and its healing properties. The ancient Greeks and Romans believed that wearing aquamarine would ensure safe passage across the sea. The Egyptians also valued aquamarine and used it in jewelry and amulets. In the Middle Ages, aquamarine was thought to have healing properties and was often used in amulets to ward off evil spirits and promote health.

Physical Properties of Aquamarine

Aquamarine is a mineral that is composed of beryllium, aluminum, and silicon. The gemstone is typically pale blue to greenish-blue, and it is often transparent or translucent. Aquamarine has a Mohs hardness rating of 7.5 to 8, which makes it a durable gemstone that's perfect for use in jewelry.

Aquamarine's Unique Shade of Blue-Green

Aquamarine's color, with its unique blue-green shade, is caused by the presence of iron in the mineral. The amount of iron present determines the intensity of the gemstone's color. The most valuable aquamarine gemstones are a rich, deep blue-green color.

How Aquamarine is Mined

Aquamarine is found in many places around the world, including Brazil, Madagascar, and Nigeria. Most of the world's aquamarine comes from Brazil. The gemstone is typically found in granite, pegmatite, and mica schist deposits.

Healing Properties of Aquamarine Bracelets

Aquamarine bracelets are believed to have a range of physical, emotional, and spiritual healing properties.

Physical Healing Properties of Aquamarine

Aquamarine is thought to promote healthy skin, eyesight, and the immune system. It is also believed to help alleviate physical conditions such as allergies and autoimmune disorders.

Emotional Healing Properties of Aquamarine

Aquamarine is considered a powerful stone for emotional healing. It is said to soothe emotions and promote feelings of calmness, tranquility, and relaxation. Wearing an aquamarine bracelet can help alleviate stress and anxiety and promote a positive outlook on life.

Spiritual Healing Properties of Aquamarine

Aquamarine is also believed to have spiritual properties. The stone is associated with the throat chakra, which is the energy center associated with communication and self-expression. Wearing an aquamarine bracelet can help you focus your energy on this chakra and improve your ability to communicate effectively with others.

How to Wear and Care for Your Aquamarine Bracelet

To experience the full range of benefits of an aquamarine bracelet, it's important to wear and care for it properly.

How to Wear Your Aquamarine Bracelet

There are different ways to wear an aquamarine bracelet, depending on your goals and intentions. Some people prefer to wear their bracelet on their left hand to help them take in the energy of the stone more easily, while others wear it on their right hand to help them release negative energy. You can also wear aquamarine in a pendant or as part of a larger piece of jewelry and keep it close to your heart for maximum benefit.

How to Care for Your Aquamarine Bracelet

To care for your aquamarine bracelet, it's important to rinse it in water regularly and avoid exposing it to harsh chemicals. You should also avoid wearing your bracelet while engaging in high-intensity activities that could damage the gemstone. To keep your bracelet looking its best, store it in a dry, cool place when not in use.


  1. What are the benefits of wearing an aquamarine bracelet?
  • Wearing an aquamarine bracelet can promote physical health, emotional healing, and spiritual wellbeing.
  1. How does aquamarine promote emotional healing?
  • Aquamarine is believed to soothe emotions and promote feelings of calmness, tranquility, and relaxation.
  1. Can I wear an aquamarine bracelet while engaging in high-intensity activities?
  • It's not recommended to wear an aquamarine bracelet while engaging in high-intensity activities that could damage the gemstone.
  1. Can aquamarine help with autoimmune disorders?
  • Aquamarine is believed to help alleviate physical conditions such as allergies and autoimmune disorders.
  1. Where is aquamarine found?
  • Aquamarine is found in many places around the world, including Brazil, Madagascar, and Nigeria. Most of the world's aquamarine comes from Brazil. The gemstone is typically found in granite, pegmatite, and mica schist deposits.